When It All Began: My MS Journey

Published on 21 February 2025 at 10:40

In November 2023, my world as I knew it changed forever. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and at that moment, it felt like my life had come to an end. It was as if the ground beneath me had crumbled, and I didn’t know what to do next.

The journey to diagnosis wasn’t straightforward. It began back in 2021, when I started experiencing numbness and tingling in my face, just 8 weeks after my Covid-19 booster shot. Despite these unusual symptoms, doctors assured me it was likely due to anxiety, not something neurological. Life went on without many clues pointing toward MS, but two weeks before my diagnosis, I noticed more numbness, this time in my legs.

It wasn’t until I was undergoing fertility tests due to secondary infertility that things took an unexpected turn. A raised hormone level led to a scan of my pituitary gland, which thankfully showed no growth. But the scan revealed something else—white marks that looked like lesions. That was the moment I was referred for an MRI, and after more tests, I received the official MS diagnosis.

The early days were the hardest. Adjusting to new realities, like struggling to walk, dealing with extreme nerve pain, numbness from my waist down, and intense fatigue, was overwhelming. As a mom to a very energetic, happy young boy, it was particularly difficult. I couldn’t do the things I once could. It wasn’t just the physical changes—it was the emotional toll. I had to step away from my 14-year career in a high-pressure, stressful industry, and that loss was hard to process.

My family, especially my husband, were my rock. They reacted with sadness and panic initially, but my husband’s unwavering support helped me through the toughest days. I spent a lot of time reading and crying, trying to understand how to make sense of this new life. But I knew I couldn’t just give up.

Then came my turning point. I started reading about people with MS who had managed to regain their wellness, even reversing some of the effects of the disease. This gave me hope and inspired me to start a search of my own for ways to improve my health. That’s when a friend introduced me to epigenetic nutrition.

Epigenetic nutrition has been nothing short of  a miracle for me. It’s helped me change the way I view my health, and its impact has been profound. Taking the nutrition with consistency, I no longer need a walking stick to get around, and navigating stairs has become much easier. This journey has taught me that what we feed our bodies truly matters. I’ve learned to be more conscious of what I eat, drink, and how I care for my mental health. My wellness journey is still a work in progress, but I’ve come to realise that embracing life with MS is possible, and I can still thrive.

I want to share my story with others who may be facing a similar diagnosis or any kind of life-altering challenge. My message is simple: Never give up, never stop learning, and always keep hope alive. There are small changes you can make that will have a big impact on your life. An MS diagnosis doesn’t have to mean the end of your life as you know it. There is always a way forward, and there is always hope.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I hope you find support and inspiration here, and I look forward to connecting with you.


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